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Do you know your safe storage time parameters?

Your baby is your world. You will do anything to protect your baby. This includes protecting them from food-borne illness. Many of you will be thinking 'food-borne illness... but babies don’t eat food?'.

They are nurtured by the nutritious milk we give them, whether it be breast milk or formula... It is the fuel that allows them to grow and develop.

Ensuring the milk we give them hasn’t gone off is a huge responsibility that parents face day in and day out and the guidance on safe storage time parameters can appear variable dependant on the source and the country!

The information we provide is based upon the advice given by the Breast-Feeding Network 2019 and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 2021.

Three factors that influence the storage time parameters are whether the milk has been stored:

· At room temperature,

· in a fridge

· or in a freezer.

These factors are vital to correctly storing milk as they can change the usage time from 1-2 hours to up to 6 months.

Below are the official storage time parameters:

MILK STRAP can support adhering to the safe storage time parameters!

  1. MILK STRAP provides you with a physical note of the time and date the milk was produced. When ready to use, you simply look at your MILK STRAP and refer to the safe storage advice and check it is within the safe parameters to now be consumed.

  2. By forward-planning your storage technique, you could use your MILK STRAP to note the date and time the milk would no longer be within the safe parameters and must be thrown away.

  3. Or simply use your MILK STRAP to note the date and time your baby’s bottle is due; a great handover tool to ensure your feeding plan remains in place.

In addition, you may have multiple children in one household or nursery that are bottle-fed, by utilising MILK STRAP, you will prevent any confusion and ensure you can identify which bottle is for which child!

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1 Comment

Jan 26, 2022

So good to know!!

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