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It's an ongoing debate!

Current research shows us that 68% of women in the UK begin baby feeding by breastfeeding but only 48% continue to do so beyond approx 6-8 weeks. (UK Health Security agency 2021). Evidence shows us that there are a multitude of health benefits to breastfeeding your baby such as; Helping your baby build a strong immune system to protect them from infections and diseases. Babies that are fed human milk are less likely to suffer from ear, chest, gastrointestinal infections,

constipation, eczema, asthma, allergies, leukemia, and long-term health conditions

such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and sudden infant death syndrome.

BUT there are times when it's just not practical, or even possible, to breastfeed.

This is where bottle-feeding comes in and is a welcome substitute for parents!

Bottle-feeding babies expressed milk allows them to receive the goodness of breast milk without having to physically stop everything and BE there.

Bottle-fed babies, whether it be breast or formula milk, provides so many practical

benefits to parents.

Firstly, being able to share the 'work'! Taking the sole responsibility off mum, allows all parents and family members to have those precious moments to bond with your baby.

Bottle feeding also allows parents to monitor the volume of milk their baby is consuming.

Did you know that formula-fed babies generally require fewer eating periods as formula takes longer to digest than mothers' milk? Leaving your baby feeling satisfied for longer! Whilst still providing your baby with the nutrients they need to grow and develop.

There is no right way!

It's about finding what's right for YOU and YOUR baby.

"Bottle or Breast... FED is best!"

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